Sunday, March 28, 2010

Day # 19

Chords of the day:
I'm in a sus mood:




Day # 18: A New Chord

Chord of the day:



Definitely using this chord in my next song

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day # 17: Extension to my daily blog

*So, I thought of a cool extension to this "lyric a day" blog... I want to find a new chord every day and write the tablature for that chord. This way, I can start to utilize these new chords or new chord inversions into my original songs. I'll continue to write the lyrics when I'm inspired, but the other days will be new chords. This may be a helpful blog to look back at if you're a song writer or guitar player. There's nothing more helpful than learning new chords... Enjoy!

Today's chord was: Dmaj7 add 9


Day 16

an artificial boundary has split us from reality
you can't seem to find my darkened tone of voice
we will soon be up
free and cured and bold
until then, you'll have to run

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Day # 15: New song

*Scratch the other song I was writing, it wasn't going anywhere
*This is a brand new one that's a bit slower in tempo, but it's still pretty catchy
*Here's a start on the verse (I made a guitar part for it already):

Why don't we talk anymore
You used to be the one that I waited for
But now the line we draw is deep within our heads
and we are just a figment of imagination
Imagination running through our heads

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day # 14

*I was looking over what is written of our Brecht movie so far and the underlying theme is really deep.
*I noticed that the lyrics I've been writing lately deal with this underlying theme of the choice between leading or being lead
*I'm still working on the chorus, but here are a few more lines...

When we were young, we were imaginary
escaped to this sanctuary
unaware of all our boundaries
we built this with our minds

Day # 13

*lines from the chorus

we're not from here
we're no longer home or free
and we can't face the edge
when we're headin down down down

Monday, March 15, 2010

Day # 12: Happy with a verse

*I haven't documented in a while, but I've been working on this song for at least 15 minutes a day... once I get started on a song, I am always tempted to finish
*I have not completed the chorus yet, but I do have one full verse that I'm happy to share:

When I was young, I was free and bold
We are young but not the same in this boundless world
There is a light that we must follow
to get back where we are
Now i'm wise and I'm aware we're blind
of all the giants that will try to bring us down
But we're not afraid of sorrow
or our chance to alter time

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Day # 11: Start of a new song

*I've been really behind but I've already started a new song with three basic chords: A G A G B

These are the lyrics I'm toying with right now:
Possibly a chorus?

You are the morning
I am just your daydream
We have awakened
and you can't stop talking to me
but when we're up close and we're looking down down down

Monday, March 1, 2010

Day # 10: New song, new lyrics

*Today I started my brand new song, which seems to contain a darker tone
*Here are a few lyrics I'm messin' around with at the moment:

when I was young, I was free and I was bold
We are young but not the same in this boundless world
There is a sky that we must follow
to get back where we are